Summer Update

Posted by BAP Store on


Well, as I am typing this, it is the Summer Solstice… here in Steamboat we have woken up to snow- summer in the high country is delayed this year. Working in the Outdoor Industry there is a common saying,

“No such thing as bad weather, just poor gear choice.”  

Fact of the matter is, don’t let the weather deter you from your adventures, with the right gear anything is possible…!


(Obviously, be safe and always consider environmental factors when venturing into the outdoors.)  

This past week we have had various thru hikers venturing into the shop trying to piece together the CDT. With the snowpack up high it's fairing to be quite a challenge this year.

Our door is open to all our CDT brethren- hats off to ya’ll!

We are here for repairs and a warm Steamboat welcome


As summer “starts” to roll in, here at the shop we have been getting various inquiries as to where to camp/backpack locally. So here is the Lowdown…


At this point in time the snow pack is fairly significant over 9,000 ft, backpacking is possible but you will encounter snow. The Zirkels are starting to melt off a bit more than the Flattops, but still punchy! Its prime time for car camping- some local favorites are the campgrounds at Steamboat Lake and Stagecoach Reservoir. At this time of year, it is ideal to make a reservation at the campgrounds if you’re trying to get out over the weekend. Both campgrounds mentioned have access to great hiking and fishing, and are totally melted off at this point.


If you’re willing to drive a bit, you can seek warmer weather in Browns Park or even Dinosaur National Monument. Heck, you can even send it to Grand Junction for some sandy desert delight. With recent moisture events the bike trails near Junction are tacky and fun!


If you’re looking for dispersed camping around the Steamboat area, come into the shop and inquire, we will give yah some good options… Can’t just post our favorite spots up on the inter-web, come in for the word of mouth good good.

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